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Social Media Perks

In the "information age" most consumers, both B2B and B2C, are facing information overload. We marketers know this better than anyone. Effective marketing strategies depend on connecting with customers who are interested, and shaping their journey through the tunnel of information. But in today’s world where we are bombarded with marketing messages and sales emails, that’s easier said than done. Research has proven this dilemma to be true. According to a 2017 study by the Content Marketing Institute and Smartbrief, ‘How Content Influences the Purchasing Process’, 81% of senior business leaders say they conduct research before bringing in a vendor. So where does that leave us marketers? An often-overlooked solution comes from your customers and the reviews they write about your brand. With the emergence of B2B customer review websites, marketers can connect with both customers and prospects quicker than ever before.

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