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Is your practice seeing enough patients?

Do you notice your healthcare practice fluctuates during specific times of the year? Holidays, summers and of course "sick" seasons are your busiest. When this happens, you as a doctor and your staff are all stressed to the max and waiting for the down time. You also know this is when your practice is profiting, but is patient quality care down as well? In my experience teaching your staff to stay calm and collected through these "manic" times are so important for patient retention. We all know healthcare is customer service. When your patient is paying to see you, they expect a level of care, not understanding your staff and yourself are doing the best they can. When times like this hit, there are a few tips to help you think positive in this environment.

1: Control your responses. You smiling and always having a calm voice will translate to your patient.

2: If you have made a mistake, admit it! Do what you can to fix it and move on! Offer free movie tickets, keep gift cards for these instances.

3: Learn from negative situations. Repeating the same negativity is only going to cause more negativity.

4: Maintain a positive view. Don't allow other's negative views to reflect onto you. Be proactive when dealing with adverse issues.

5: Accentuate the positive at all times! Healthcare consumers can't help but change their views when they are dealing with someone who is always positive!

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