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What is your healthcare worth to you?

As a consumer in healthcare and a parent, I have met some amazing physicians. I know what it's like to have amazing care and I know what it's like to not have amazing care. I do know this; there are many doctors out there that are willing to listen to what you have to say. Are they busy, just like we are! What I have noticed is we as healthcare consumers have more choices in who our doctors are. With that in mind, why not go to the best doctors your hard earned money can buy? What does that look like to you? Is it a modern office with all the electronic amenities? Is it time efficiency? To me, it's having my doctor listen to what I'm saying. Knowing I have spent time in the waiting room and in the patient room, let's face it, time is money. I want to know that he is taking into account how well I know my body and that something just doesn't feel right. If that means I have to spend a little extra on lab work, so be it! Share with me what you think your hard earned money is worth to you!

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